translucent colors are always hard to analyze exactly how the part is printing and what you need to tune. i always try to tune a new filament with opaque. unfortunately esun's opaques are scheduled until march/april sometime. i find the esun, colorfabb xt and this reprapper stuff to be extremely similar in print quality. i can use very close settings for all of them. not exact but close. like i said i always use a heated bed even with pla so i have never tested the warp factor without it. i dont use a cooling fan though. i did for a bit but unless it was a tiny part that would get heat soaked then i saw no difference with or without it. i can tell you i just printed a box with the same red you have there. it was 6"x6"x 2"" tall and there wasnt the slightest bit of warp. could never have pulled that off with abs.