Those looking for the "perfect" 3D printer have a new contender in the running: Afinia today announced a brand new printer with a build envelope 5x the size of the one from their award-winning H480 3D printer. The new printer, the Afinia H800, has a large 255 x 205 x 205 mm build envelope and fine printing resolution capabilities -- all at a price tag that won't break the bank. The H800 can print in ABS or PLA filament and is effectively ready to use right out of its box. The printer will be on display at Afinia's booth at the 2015 International CES in Las Vegas, and interested buyers can add their name to the waiting list on Afinia's website, ready to be the first to order when the printer is available starting in May. Check out more specs and details on the new H800 in the full article:

Below are some of the general Specs of this new 3D Printer:

  • Printer Size: 19.1" x 20.5" x 19.5"
  • Printer Weight: 55 lbs
  • Build Envelope: 10" x 8" x 8" (255 x 205 x 205 mm)
  • Print Resolution: 0.1mm, 0.15 mm, 0.2mm, 0.25mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm
  • Filament Size and Material: 1.75mm - ABS & PLA

Below is a photo of the Afinia H800 3D printer: