I'm having trouble getting ABS prints to stick on my 10" bed. I'm trying to print a test cube with sides of ~4 in. First layer goes down nice, really smooth and squished, but then about halfway through the total print, the corners start coming off.

Based on older threads in this forum and suggestions from around the net, I've compiled a list of solutions (in no order):
1. Bed at higher temp (115 C and higher)
2. Wide brim
3. High skirt
4. Glue stick (instead of hairspray)
5. ABS slurry (instead of hairspray)
6. New fan shroud + fan
7. Enclosure for printer

As you can see in the pictures below, I tried a combination of 1, 2, and 3:

(Fresh off the heat bed)

(Underside of glass, fresh off the heat bed)

(Bottom of print)

(Good view of how the bottom is compressing in the corners, warping the print)

I set the bed at 120 C for the first layer and 115 C for the rest. I created a brim of 8mm and a 75 layer high skirt 4mm away from the part. I was hopeful that all this worked because the skirt or brim never warped. But alas, when the piece finished, the cube itself had started curling (albeit less severely) at the bottom corners. I wasn't running any air conditioning near the print, and I taped up areas on the extruder where fan drafts where blowing on the bed. I also sprayed the bed multiple times with a liberal amount of hairspray for good adhesion.

I guess the next step is to try the glue stick or ABS slurry? Is it really this much trial and error to get clean ABS prints?

Any advice or thoughts?

Thanks in advance.