D-Shape, founded by Enrico Dini and under CEO James Wolff, is looking into the future, and their vision almost seems like something out of a science-fiction novel. The company has used their technology to create large-scale 3D printers that can produce such massive objects as artificial reefs and, maybe bridges, buildings, and military bunkers. The idea of bringing a huge 3D printer on-site to a construction project seems daunting, but it seems to be testing well. They're working with engineers to enhance bridges' structural integrity, and the ideas look sound. As a military contractor, D-Shape is also building a bunker that should be finished by year-end. Check out more details and plans on D-Shape's docket in the full article: http://3dprint.com/27229/d-shape-3d-printed-military

Below is a photo of a D-Shape 3D printer: