
I am currently working on a project that is basically a torpedo shaped object made out of ABS, it will measure roughly 25cm x 9cm…printed in two halves.

It’s a simple shape, so I don’t need really intricate details however it will have to be accurate as there are control surfaces that will affect the way the object will move through water.

I am pretty convinced that purchasing a 3d printer is the way to go for my initial prototyping and refinement of design however if possible I would also like to have the option of 3d printing the initial batch of 100 (kickstarter style).

I have time on my hands and am pretty savvy when it comes to figuring stuff with technology out so am not afraid of spending some time sorting/fixing issues (i.e. I don’t have to have a push button & walk away solution).

Would something like an Umtimaker 2 be up to the job of producing my initial prototypes and the run of 100?

If not I am considering purchasing a much cheaper 3d printer such as the Solidoodle 4 for my prototypes and then look to a more commercial solution (3d printing or not) to produce the initial batch of customer product.

I have never even seen a 3d printer so really looking for some guidance here…there is no point spening x3 the money on a better printer if it is still not going to be good enough for a customer facing product.

Any suggestions/help much appreciated.