
Attached is a picture of a common part (Thingiverse part "8mm_0.92_thumb_screw") printed twice.

The left part (black) is printed with another printer, displayed for reference, and the right one (gray) is printed with my Prusa i3.
Although there are other problems, int the printing, I want you to look at the strings and blobs between teeth.

I have tried everything from reducing extruding factor (up and down, from 0.9 to 1.1), to change speeds (down to 20mm/s), ...

My printer is a Prusa i3 (steel version) with Budas-like extruder. I am using ABS 1.75mm. I have measured it and the actual diameter is 1.68 to 1.71, so I have set it to 1.70mm. I print at 235 C. I use a heated bed at 80 C, although I have tried it also to lower temp (down to 30 C), using hairspray to hold the part in place.

I am using Slic3r version 1.0.0.RC2. On the printer there is a Marlin v09.

Would anyone tell which setting might I use to try improve or perhaps remove that specific problem ?

