Hello. I have got a feeling I'm not the first person to ask this question but I hope since this doesn't seem to be universally covered in some Sticky or FAQ it's okay to ask it.

My main concern is with accuracy. It should be able to be locally accurate up to less than 0.2mm and globally accurate up to less than 2mm per 50mm (coaxiality constraints etc). In the same sense, 0.5mm thickness of details should also be doable.

The result should be as rigid/sturdy as your typical consumer electronics plastics, i.e. duroplastic quality.

Everything besides that is secondary. Certainly the chaper the better for me but if it can't do the accuracy, it won't be of any use anyway. I'm planning to prototype various kinds of interfaces (with buttons, sliders and so forth) with it.

Further secondary concerns (which may be obvious, but as well might not be) I have is that it is relatively open (as in: Open protocol, no proprietary softwares needed -- esp. nothing which requires Windows or MacOS) and not strongly tied to the manufacturer (such as being required to buy specific cartridges or anything of that sorts). The prinz sizes would be 150x150mm at most, so it doesn't have to be able to produce larger objects than that.

Certainly, if anyone could point out a resource for further research on the subject I'd also happily welcome that because I didn't really find anything conclusive with Google (i.e. concise and recent).

Thank you