This is somewhat of a major breakthrough in the 3D Printing industry. The company, Create It Real, has announced a new processor for real time 3D Printing. The processor supposedly allows for printing at speeds up to 450 mm per second, which doubles most of the top printer's speeds out there. The chip certainly will help bring 3D Printers more into the mainstream, as speed is currently one of the major turn offs of 3D Printing. The CEO of Create It Real said the following about the new chip:

Our objective is to support all the 3D printer players, from small start-ups up to large OEMs, and to offer them easy to integrate, state-of-the-art technologies so they can spend their time and resources on their most important assets: their customers.

Create It Real
is certainly an exciting company that is seemingly coming out of nowhere. They also have goals of 3D Printing graphene, as well as human tissue.