We recently looked into Shapeways' top 10 best-selling products from this past October, which was a really great insider's look into the business. But what, we wondered, were people looking at most? Not just the things they were spending money on, but what drew the attention? What trends might arise? We weren't disappointed when Savannah Peterson, leader of the Global Community Team at Shapeways, gave us the scoop. From the weird (twerking Einstein) to the Shapeways-famous (Strandbeest) to the whimsical (two different My Little Pony figures), the top 10 most looked at items in October is a unique look at what gets the look. Want to know what made the cut? Check it out: http://3dprint.com/23323/shapeways-top-10-viewed/

Below is a look at the 'twerking Einstein' (you were curious, we know it):