"You see officer, the guy who sold him this car is in debt to me, so I'm repossessing it." Nope, that does not work.
Actually under uk law, that's exactly how it works.

If you buy a stolen car or a car that still has payments pending on it from a previous owner - regardless how it was presented to you - you have no comeback and it can be legally repossessed to cover the original debt. Essentially you had no legal right to buy it in the first place, so your transaction is null and void.

It's why these instant mobile phone pre-buy check apps have proliferated in the last couple of years.
When buying a used car it's your legal obligation to check it's not owned by someone else before you buy it.
And yes I did use such an app when i bought my last car.

Scary - but true.

I also suspect there is a very good reason this company have shipped the makiboxes to the uk rather than say: germany or france.
They were originally supposed to ship to germany for europaen and uk distribution.
I can't see either the german or french laws allowing this kind of thing to happen.
But in the uk - oh yeah.