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Thread: Auto Bed Levelling Glitches
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11-05-2014, 09:48 PM #11
The G29 should leave the probe over the last point measured. If you do the G28 and G29 by hand you will know if that is what happens.
You have:
Enabled, so the G28 will move to where ever you specified (some where near the center of the bed) to make its measurement.
For most people, the G28 should be followed immediately by the G29. There may be a reason to do something different. But in general, most people do a G28 and then a G29.
I suggest you do what ever startup GCode you want to put into your slicer by hand, one command at a time. Do a G28 and then a G29. And then a M114 to see if it is at the location that look reasonable given where the probe is. If it is... You should be ok telling it to start a print. It is troublesome that it crashed your Y Axis. But if you do these three commands by hand, we will know a lot more about what is going on.
This stuff is really hard. And it is a shame to wreck all the hard work it takes to get a printer going just because nobody is there to answer 'simple' questions. Its only simple after you have been through it a few times.
Ender 3v2 poor printing quality
10-28-2024, 09:08 AM in Tips, Tricks and Tech Help