Please accept my entry.

- What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
The most interesting thing I have seen printed has been customized casts for broken limbs and the child exo skeleton project. Basically the biggest leap is this Catagory of scan/print customized body assist parts that are unique for the individual.
- If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
the key to my dream printer is Simplicty and a wide range of print materials. My dream printer would be WiFi enabled with software that runs on all devices types so that a user can send a 3d model at any time from anywhere. It would have an array of sensors that allow monitoring of the entire process remotely (temp, video, VOC, material quantities, etc.). My dream printer would not be limited by a single material or single color for each print. It would be capable of changing color, flexibility, strength throughout the print process.