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    Lightbulb Botobject - our experience

    customer center botObjects.jpgWriting this post to warn others, it will be the publication of emails to, -botobject retailer in Austria, the European Consumer Centre Network, and I hope that I will not have to publish of documents from the court. (sorry for English- second language) you can imagine how many emails we wrote and time wasted by this time, the printer we ordered 24.03.2014 and 30.07.2014 we got it (first printer).

    Sent: 18 October 2014 12:48
    To: European Consumer Centre Network

    We are a small 3d printing company in Ireland. We have a problem with our last acquisition, 3d printer Botobject. We purchased the ”Botobject” 3d printer from a retailer in Austria (3d Fabric The printer was damaged when we received. After few weeks and few mails with the retailer and the company producer , we took back the printer and got a replacement for a new one. When we got the second printer, it was stopped after two days.
    We repeated again the replacement process and we received the third printer. After two days, printer was broken too.
    We tried to contact again with BotObject Company, but they do not answer us.
    After all of that, we would like to take back the printer and get the money back.
    Could you help us with the process we should to follow?

    Sent: 18 October 2014 12:34
    To: 3d Fabric
    Subject: RE: botobject 3d complaint- 3d printing point Ireland

    Dear Dietmar Peter,

    I am contacting you because botobject service is not able to send us a printer which works.
    We got a third printer that does not work, the service is not responding to our emails,
    We will send you a printer and we want a refund.
    We also want inform you that we complained to the European Consumer Centre Network, and if we do not reach an agreement we shall affair to court.

    3dprintingpoint team

    From: Dietmar Peter []
    Sent: Sun 19/10/2014 17:00

    Dear Mr. Madej.

    I am very sorry to hear about your problems with the printer and the support.

    I know that it is not easy to handle this printer but it is possible and worth it, because
    this printer make prints of a great quality.

    I know the problems from other customers i have and actually everyone should have
    training on this machine to get know of upcoming problems and how to handle it.

    Let me help you.

    Do you allready have a printer and all tubes are o.k.
    No bursting tubes so far?

    Please let me know the status of your printer and i will send you a list how to
    proceed to get a print. I also will send you some tricks and pictures how you
    can handle stucking filaments and so on.

    King Regards.

    Dietmar Peter.

    Sent: Sun 19/10/2014 21:27
    To: 3d Fabric
    Subject: RE: botobject 3d complaint- 3d printing point Ireland

    Dear Dietmar Peter,

    We also feel bad that this printer does not work and botobject support is not able to help us.

    I am sending you a link to the video that I sent to botobject when the second printer stopped working.

    After we took back the printer and got a replacement for a third one.

    But unfortunately with the third printer is the same problem. During printing suddenly switched itself off and turn on again is impossible.

    We have a few other printers like Ultimaker2, makerbot2 and x,forma and others, and we have never had such a problems with them. But always we try to increase our knowledge so would be a pleasure heard about that tips that you have.

    However, our main question was about refund and we have not get any information from you about it.

    Wojciech Madej

    From: Dietmar Peter []
    Sent: Mon 20/10/2014 10:12

    Dear Mr. Madej.

    That sounds weird i admit, i never experienced such a problem on a printer.
    So you have problems with the power connecter/connection.
    I am in contact with mike duma and wait for his answer.

    Regarding the refund we certainly pay you back your money if we can´t find
    a proper solution for this problem.

    King Regards.

    Dietmar Peter

    Sent: Mon 20/10/2014 20:11
    To: 3d Fabric
    Subject: RE: botobject 3d complaint- 3d printing point Ireland

    Dear Dietmar Peter,

    We cannot waste any more time. Seven months ago, we paid for a printer and we still have nothing. It is already ridiculous.
    Three times we have failed to find a solution, then we can straight away go to the option refund.

    I attach below bank details for refunding.

    Account number:

    Wojciech Madej

    suddenly replied botobjects

    • Marcin KobrynOctober 07, 2014 09:16

      again we have the same problem as last time. during printing, the printer stopped and can not turn on .
    • Marcin KobrynLast Tuesday at 16:56

      hello, if someone could answer!!!!!!!
    • Bernard pratzToday at 16:03

      Hello Marcin,
      please accept our apologies for the delay answering, but I've had to leave on short notice for a couple of weeks for personal reasons, whereas I still haven't finished the training of our support team.
      • Could elaborate on your issue?
        • How and when did it happen?
        • Is the external power supply still showing off the blue light?
        • Do you see anything on the display when turning the printer on?

      Bernard Pratz
      BotObjects Ltd

    • Marcin KobrynToday at 20:41

      as we were printing our printer fused, and since then is not starting again anymore.
      link to video:
      however,we already decided on returning the printer. Dietmar Peter your retailer in Austria 3d Fabric will refund.Please speak with him about pick up a printer.

    to be continued...
    Last edited by 3dprintingpoint; 10-20-2014 at 02:42 PM.

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