Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
Couldn't agree more, although I am yet to mess with S3D properly, looking at your prints, it is pretty clear you went to extraordinary lengths to calibrate your machine, and it paid off - you could print in most software and it would give you a comparable result, alot of that comes down the model really, and of course the work put in to make sure everything is A1. You actually probably have some of the best print quality I've seen come out of a flashforge, well beyond what I just sufficed with (I got it to a point where it was good, not as good as yours but it was good enough to get the projects flowing) if Flashforge had half a brain they would ask you for some advice but as I've said a few times now, FF have very little interest in user input, it's the one area they have always failed in. Sadly we have probably helped more of their customers here than they have.

The only thing I can still notice in your prints are the vertical ridges, I get those too.. not sure quite how to fix that one. Like in your big rook, on the bricks, they have some lines running vertically down them.. I get that too on roundish objects, even if the mesh is smooth.. but on my kossel, it doesn't.
Thanks for the nice words

Yeah the vertical ridges on cilinder shapes are a riddle to me too... I have a last few ideas that I will test over the coming week, but if that doesn't solve it then it's just the limit of the machine's design.. but then again, the Ultimaker can do it and the only real difference there is that it uses a bowden system.. can imagine that perhaps the vibrations of the extruders do something. As soon as I've figured it out I'll let you all know!