I printed it again at 230 and the print has signs of burning. I can print with dayglo green and it comes out better than both blue or transparent, blue is better than transparent and doesn't really seem to mind what temperature you use.

Whatever I do the castellations on the top look like rabbit poop. Perhaps they are too small for ABS, is that likely?

At the moment I am trying to set up Skeinforge, making small changes to the settings and reading about each one, not that there is a lot of info available. I have improved bridging immensely by slowing the head down over the bridge, this seems contrary to the info available on the net where most people say you should speed up over bridges.

On the one posted above I wiped the head every three layers and it seems not to be a good idea, the model has cooled too much during the wipe. That is what is causing the apparent layer separation that was mentioned. This is why I need to find a way to "leave Z" during the wipe sequence but I am going to have to do that in the source somewhere that I can't find yet.

First born stole the last rook before I could take pictures so I will try to find it and take pics.