We all know that 3D printing can save a ton of money as well as time when dealing with rapid prototyping, especially when it's in-house. One television and film content creation company called Quantel believes that their Stratasys uPrint SE Plus 3D Printer which they purchased last year for protoyping, has paid for itself after just six months of use. Considering the printer runs for around $15,000, that is quite a remarkable statement by the company. More details on how Quantel is using this printer to save money and time can be found here: http://3dprint.com/17130/quantel-stratasys-3d-print/

Below is a picture of the Stratasys uPrint SE 3D Printers. Have any of you noticed the same type of payback for your business? This is a clear indication IMO how fast the market will continue to expand.