After losing their nine-year-old son to complications from cerebral palsy, Nameed and Samiyah Parvez founded Andiamo, a 3D printing orthotics company for pediatric devices, which has just launched a crowdfunding effort on They hope to raise around 30,000 pounds, or $50,000 U.S. just to start working with two families for one year. Andiamo is developing a full scale, global project to bring 3D scanners to childrens homes, digitize the data, and produce orthotics in a matter of days-- rather than months, when the children have already outgrown the devices. They want to bring 3D printed orthotics to allow efficiency and affordability, while eliminating the pain and trauma involved for disabled kids that often occurs when having orthotics made. More details on this campaign can be found here:

Below is an example of some of the 3D printed orthotics: