We have seen a lot of prosthesis as of late, created on 3D printers. Most of these are hands, arms, and fingers, all large enough to achieve on consumer level machines. However, one company, Potomac Laser was tasked with creating a prosthesis of the smallest bone in the human body, the stapes. Using a 3D Systems printer, the company was able to achieve a 16 micron resolution. While this is only a prototype, the company plans to try doing the same with the final product. The final prosthesis will need to be printed in titanium, and requires a 1 micron hole be drilled in it. Potomac plans to print it out on a 3D Systems metal 3D printer and then drilling the tiny hole using micro laser technology. Read and see more at: http://3dprint.com/15229/3d-printed-ear-prosthesis/