Remember Ord Solutions and their 5 extruder RoVa3D 3D printer they launched on Kickstarter earlier in the year? Well they have just announced yet another new Kickstarter project. This time for a 3D food/paste printer. The Rova-Paste, as it is being called, is capable of printing in just about any pasty substance. Whether it be caulk, clay, plaster, Nutella, etc, the printer is very capable. Those wishing to back the project can pre-order the Rova-Paste 3D printer for just $899 CAD. More details on this machine and the company can be found here:
Here are a few basic specs:
  • Build Envelope: 11.18″ x 11.88″ x 7.55″
  • Printer Footprint: 15″ x 10.75″ x 17.5″Z
  • Print Resolution: 50um

The printer can also had filament extruders (up to 2) added. Below is a picture of the machine: