Just got my 10" up and running. One great upgrade you can do in your second print for the 10" is the i3v 10" Z Endstop Brack by MiniMadRyan. This makes bed leveling, starting at the nylon spacer corner, faster. Stock, I found the M5 T-nut bolt was obstructed by the Z-axis coupling and was a clumsy way to adjust with precision. I was up then down then up then down as the stop would shift up and down while I tightened it. In contrast, I found bed level Nirvana when combined with a set of small thumbscrews for the other 3x M3 nylon locknuts at.

As an aside, my 10" kit came with extra T-nuts for the aluminum extrusions so mounting the bracket was didn't require any hardware purchases. It also had extra M3 screws to use for the adjustment screw. I find that the head to the adjustment screw is mostly blocked by the top idler which means the hex driver is difficult to use, but I was able to fine tune from the side using a pair of needle nose pliers.