- What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
I am amazed with the way the medical field is able to begin printing organs for real humans. I think it is amazing that sometime (hopefully soon) we can print people a replacement organ instead of having to wait for someone to die before there can be a transplant.

- If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
My dream printer would be extremely fast (almost the way laser printers are so much faster than ink jets). I feel like 3D printing is currently at the ink jet phase, and we need to find ways to make it be laser fast. In addition, I would love to be able to have full color support so we could print multiple colors and even combine colors into one to make different colors. A printer that has a 99.99% success rate in all prints (no warping, clogging, etc.) Finally, I would love a printer that takes up a small piece of real estate but somehow can print unlimited sizes.

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