Project Update #13: R&D Insights - Column Comparisons

Posted by Rinnovated Design ♥ Like
Hey Backers!

As we mentioned in the tail end of Update #12, we’ve been working on a new video that shares information about our process of doing column prints. We compare these columns against each other to find out more about how the printer behaves when we push the envelope in different directions. For an in-depth look at what’s come to be one of the most valuable things we’ve done in R&D check out the video below:

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Here's some pictures too!

Print #75 next to a pencil crayon for scale
A view of the set from the image above.
A macro shot of the walls of print #78 - Clear as glass!
Print #76 - In this image you can see the rough walls Rylan talked about in the video
Print #79 - In this shot you can clearly see the large offset, and separation in the face of the column. Both were caused by harsh vibrations.
Print #80 - Here's a closeup of one of the many holes due to printing with a lack of resin.
We hope you enjoyed taking a detailed look at just one of the many processes we’ve been using to make this printer shine bright!
Stay tuned for more coming down the line: circuit developments, new prints, backerkit, and more…
The Peachy Printer Team.