Quote Originally Posted by roykirk View Post
It always amazes me how different people's experiences can be. That's what makes it tough for people having problems to fix things just based on recommendations from others. There's always some tweaking you've got to do on your own. I think it was our resident expert Geoff that noted in another thread that he's never been able to print PLA on blue tape without heating the bed (correct me if I'm wrong on that, Geoff). But then there's a Makerbot page I read that said you should never print PLA on blue tape with a heated bed because it won't stick.

One of the few things I like about Makerware is that its raft is actually really easy for me to pop off. My experience is usually that once my bed and print cools, the model will pop right off the raft. Replicator G, however, has given me several rafts that have welded so tightly to the model that I had to throw the entire thing out. The first raft I ever used with Rep G was actually responsible for tearing off nearly half of my Kapton tape on my old Creator. Rafts are buggers no matter what though.

I just finished some interesting reading about this PET you spoke about. I have to admit I'd never heard of it, but I'm one of those kinds of people that will stick with what works (PLA at the moment) until it no longer works. It's a shame it's double the cost of PLA, but I may store that option away in the back of my head for future experimenting.
PLA and blue tape is just a good as a stick as any, will make a video this weekend when i have time