Hello people from Croatia.

First of all thank you for all your help. Many helpful topics in here. Definitely help me with setting the temperatures with ABS prints.

We've bought a FF Creator X a few months ago in our company. Everything is great so far. Actually printer won't read the SD card that we've got but it is always connected to the computer.

Today I set to print a small object. Makerware print preview showed 30 min printing time, 25 layers and 5 grams. Last couple of days I printed practically the same object few times. Last print had one modification prior to previous one. One hole has been changed from 4,90 to 5,10 mm. So very small change.

Print went fine for about 80% and then just stopped. Filament (ABS) was OK, no tension in filament. When I look at the screen it said something about slicing. Disappeared very quickly. Monitor on the printer showed some weird signs and it was frozen. Waited for about a minute and turned it off. Turned it on, looked OK and like 5 seconds later it was the same. After two times like that I disconnected the cable to the computer and the screen was normal.

I let the printer cool down and then started the same print again (printer and computer are connected again). It is currently at 90% printing and everything is OK.

Did anybody else had the same problem?

Thank you