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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    @cureious aardvark:
    Yep GPX can run straight from Slic3r, but you can't feed it arguments (due to security reasons), hence the need to setup the GPX .ini file.

    In regards to updating the firmware, from memory this is the guide I followed:!ms...Y/pQinxStAvnoJ
    The reset button part can be tricky (he mentions that in the video), you need to time it well and try a few times if it doesn't work first go.

    EDIT: I also no longer print with a raft. Set the first layer height to slightly more than your layer height (i.e. 0.3 and 0.2) and use a brim (4mm). The brim easily peels away and the base finish is a lot nicer (no sanding required).

    For printing in the center of the print bed, set the Slic3r "Printer Settings > General > Print Center" to x:0, y:0 mm. I generally use x:40, y:20 to avoid printing over the center screw in the print bed.

    I've read some stuff about printing over USB vs. SD card (not sure about Ethernet). People recommend using the SD card because the serial USB transfer speed can't keep up with the printer, and therefore the printer waits for commands (and may ooze during that time). The alternative is to slow down the print speed, but that's probably not what you're after.

    Also, make sure your .ini file (or argument flags if you're running from cmd line) are set correctly (machine_type and gcode_flavour). If it's not it may be causing the end stop hits.
    Last edited by Default; 08-09-2014 at 08:19 PM.

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