Hi, I will make this as short as possible to get the general idea out. I am 45, spent several years working construction. I had a bad accident and I can't do that type stuff anymore. Or should I say I can do it but not at a speed that interests employers much. So needless to say after spending almost the last 20 years beating on stuff with a hammer and drinking beer-- technology has left me in it's dust. Now i'm just kinda stuck here if that makes sense. I recently took a bunch of career tests at a physical rehabilitation center and everything points towards tech, engineering etc. I am going to do what I want to do because I am in a position to do so so the age/career issue isn't really something I care to discuss. It's what interests me and I think because of that all the pieces will fall into place and that's the plan i'm sticking with.

Long story short I have fabrication experience, welding, some light lathe work etc and I actually build certain items in my shop and sell them to make ends meet.

I became fascinated with 3d printers just a short time ago. I never even heard of one until like a year ago maybe.

I seem to be overwhelmed with the amount of info, different printers etc and it seems like everytime I turn around something new is popping up. I joined this forum hoping for some kind of structure and making a few friends vs. web search after web search of different topics etc it just seems like a huge unorganized mess to me that has left me baffled to say the least.

Excited at one time to see a printer a year ago that's saying it's going to hit the market a year later for $500 and then a year later there's a gazillion of them etc.

I guess this is just growing by leaps and bounds so maybe I just need to find a starting point because there's just entirely too much info.

So..........I like building things so without asking specifics where do I turn for that? I am not a tech guy but I understand mechanics very well so I can learn as I go. Of course now it looks like there's some pretty cool printers for $500 so I think other than learning how to build one and how it works that money isn't really something to be concerned with?

I want to get involved and learn as much as I can as fast as I can. I live near Kansas City and have recently joined a mailing list of some makers group but that's as far as it's got. I don't know anyone with a 3d printer.

I just thought I would share a short intro from someone that doesn't know anything about this stuff and what it seems like to someone on the outside looking in. It just seems there are bits and pieces everywhere and nothing really concrete that I can grab hold of. So like I mentioned I am looking for a starting point, say really good and detailed info on building a printer and using it, and stop overwhelming myself with everything all at once.

I hope what i'm trying to say here is making sense lol. Thanks for any input!