Hi all, this is my first post here but after some lurking you seem like the sensible group of fellows to get an opinion on an idea I've been tossing around for a while.

I've been looking for ways to really justify having a printer and I'm certain I'm not the only one. my field of expertise is in creating monsters, video game characters, sci fi objects or fantasy items and so on, and various people have expressed an interest in procuring them in some form.

The reason I'm coming to you is to gauge whether or not there would be an interest from the 3D printing community in some type of subscription to unique, original printables. Ultimately my goal is to make a monthly monster, raygun, movie or game replica props, test print it to work out the bugs, and put it out there in such a way that I can afford the time to make another one the following month and so on. I love making things and I'm hooked on printing so I'd like to fuse them in a fun way that a lot of other people might enjoy as well and while I see that there's a lot of cool stuff out there, I'm not always up for testing and tweaking a found design until it actually prints.

Here's some recent examples of my work, please reply and let me know what you think of the idea, your two cents are much appreciated!