Yesterday I was listening to the presentation given by 3D systems which was sponsored by Bank of America and Merrill Lynch. The one comment that really made my ears perk up was the fact that according to 3D Systems' executives the speeds of 3D printers have been increasing exponentially, kind of like Moore's law. This may not seem like a big deal, but when you consider the numbers it's quite impressive. They stated that 3D print speeds are doubling every 2 years.

For instance, say it takes 10 hours to 3D print an object right now. That means that if the rate of progress continues where 3D printing speeds double every two years, within 10 years, 2024, that same object will be able to be printed out within approximately 18 minutes. If 3D printing gets to be that fast, and I'm certain the quality too will be improved, then just about everything could be 3D printed by 2024.
