Hello, I’m new to the forum and am seeking some technical advice/help with a college research project. I was approached last semester by one of my engineering professors about working with him on a 3d printing research project. He wants to create modifications to a low cost 3d printer which allow the addition of continuous fiber (like the markforged printers). However he wants to be able to use multiple types of fiber beyond that of just carbon. He wanted me to work with him on this because I have had a 3d printer for years and do quite a bit with it. I’ve already thought of a way to modify the nozzle and create a spool to feed the fiber in with the plastic. My main concern is getting a machine to run through a print without any breaks or jumps. Obviously if the machine is feeding fiber and then skips from one side to the other this could cause issues.We are going to order a 3d printer for the purpose of this project. Is there a particular printer (not an overly expensive one), or slicing software which can easily slice a print so as to avoid breaks in the filament?