A factory file would be more helpful. However you could post a picture of the preview.. version of S3D and the factory file. If you are seeing a gap between 2 thin walls, most likely the issue is the extrusion width is not a multiple of the model wall width. If you have 2 walls set and there a gap smaller than your extrusion width lefter over then then you get a gap. You may need to alter the extrusion width or reduce the number of walls. If this is your own model alter the wall thickness to be divisible by your extrusion width.
Hope that helps, it is not plug and play, and S3D current version may just be broken, I use 4.01

PS do not reduce your extrusion width below the diameter of your nozzle.. so .4 would be as think as you should go with a .4mm nozzle. You can try, but I have never had good luck doing so.