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  1. #5
    I went to the store to look for 99%, couldn't find it. I decided to use what I had at home, which happens to be 70%. I some-what regret using it, I've got a nasty film on mine now. However, prints did stick a WHOLE lot better after I switched to a glass plate. My colleagues at work, and a few people from the reddit website said to skip using the abrasive plate. Now I have a new problem, I can't seem to get the filament to stick in the center. Is there a way to raise the center? Here are my next few print tests I did, to see the progress I made. On a side note, I was tempted to use home made moonshine (95% alcohol/190 Proof) but it had flavoring which would've defeated the purpose.

    Edit: Is it because the clamps are too tight by chance?
    Edit2: God the formatting screw ups are super obnoxious.
    Last edited by BinaryData; 07-01-2020 at 05:41 AM.

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