Hello,Trying to pick out a small form factor printer for myself. The reason I'm choosing small is because I've never found myself designing parts that utilize the entire build surface, thus I feel it's wasted dollars when I print a 1" x 1" part on a 12" x 12" build plate. I've come to the conclusion that when searching for small, though high quality, printers the search always brings "Cheapest printers for $X!" which I'm not into. So far I've narrowed down my search to the Cetus MK3 Standard Deluxe Edition and the Original Prusa Mini. They're both very nice products and right around the same price point, right now the Cetus MK3 is having a $100 off sale bringing it to ~$450 dollars while the Prusa Mini is right around the same if you fully upgrade it, slightly less I believe if you don't get a spool of filament. Though the Cetus may be slightly more expensive... I wouldn't have to wait ~5 months to use it. I do like the idea that Cetus has created, leaving tons of availability to modding and after-market upgrades. The reason I've brought up Prusa is because they are a very professional company and I've used many Prusa printers in my 3D printing lifetime to enjoy them.So I'm torn! If anybody has any ideas on other printers or experience using either of the ones listed above, please reply!

Cetus Printer : https://shop.tiertime.com/product/cetus-3d-printer-mk3/
Deluxe Edition comes with this pre-installed : https://shop.tiertime.com/product/ce...3-add-on-pack/
Prusa Mini : https://www.prusa3d.com/original-prusa-mini/