Hi there, I purchased the following 3D printer DSC_0001.jpg

My problem is that when i use the default calibration profile the platform all ways goes off into the right side of the printer and keeps trying to go that way. Also the extruder just goes all the way up and then comes down a little but doesn't get anywhere near the bottom where it should.
So when i set them both to center in the control panel, it does that perfectly. I even set the X,Y,Z to 0,0,0,0 on the motherboard settings, but as soon as i try to print, there goes the platform off to the side and continuously hitting it.
I don't have a clue what i'm doing wrong, it says to load the calibration profile and press build, but that just makes the extruder and platform do the things i just talked about.
Is there anyone that can help me with this? I could upload a video if necessary? Would really appreciate the help!
