Next month NASA will be sending the very first 3D printer up to space. The printer will be headed to the International Space Station where it will be put to use printing out parts and running tests. Although the first printer may not be ready for full scale deployment, these early tests in space will quickly turn into actual use cases. posted a pretty awesome article today highlighting the various ways in which 3D printing will change space exploration and travel as we know it. Here are the 10 ways in which 3d printers will change this technologically advanced field:

1. 3D Print Items Which can't be made any other way
2. Computer designs can be tranfered into actual objects
3. 3D Printed lattices which are light
4. Benefiting space, a low-volume industry
5. Making models
6. 3D-printed Items for testing
7. 3D Printed RF filters and engine parts
8. New novel design rules
9. Steps on the way to space
10. Future potential of this technology is bright

Read the full article here:

To me it seems like 3d printing could really ignite the space industry, pushing along lots of other tech development in the field.