Hey. I'm looking into hopefully best utilizing some skills I've had for a while in Illustrator, photoshop, after effects, and various other visual design apps. I also got a little into autoCAD... 10 years ago in high schoo though... So I hear Adobe is or has incorporated a heavier 3D design aspect and I have idea that range in material required... so what's the best, most efficient way to build a prototype from scratch if any means of maybe having to learn a new application to create 3D prints with the specs required by 3D printer.

I have very specific needs but am hoping that an overall 'best practice' is in play or that you can outsource a design file in multiple formats to companies that specialize is printing custom components. Is this hopefully the case? Maybe a guide to tackling a hypothetical would better define where I'm finding a lack of consistent info.

So to 3d print something made of carbon fiber broken down into 4 pieces, what's my path to arriving at a deliverable file for a 3D printer? For sake of a similar example, say (practicality aside) I need to print a skateboard deck, skateboard trucks, and skateboard wheels out of carbon fiber.. so shapes with corners and rounded aspects, but all to the exterior.. or no hollowing out or hard reach areas. Is there one application I could open to make a skateboard wheel out of carbon fiber or plastic or rubber or any other printable material? Or do different materials require different features that are application-exclusive... or even made exclusive by a company for outsourcing 3d printing jobs?

Thanks a bunch. Looking forward to getting into this community/arena
