okay first thing.
Don't keep changing all the settings on the printer it self.
Once the printer is set up and calibrated, use the slicer to change everything.

I really don't like the current version of cura.
Was looking at earlier versions recently on an old netbook and they were so much easier to use and better laid out you can scarcely believe how bad it's got.
So have a look and see if you can find version 13 or 14.
It'll probably help as it's much much easier to see what to change and change it.

Try a different version. They basically completely rewrote the user interface after version 15 and made it really bloody difficult to use. Weirdly version 2 comes after version 15. You get the impression the dutch guys at ultimaker are visiting their local 'cafe' a bit too often ;-)
Sounds like you just need to adjust z offset by 0.2 or 0.3.mm