Typically when we hear about polyurethane (PU) material, it's being utilized as a foam for things like mattresses, upholstery, insulation, or even mixed with shaving cream to 3D print a statue of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. But this week, top German FFF 3D printer manufacturer German RepRap and ebalta Kunststoff, which manufactures polyurethane and epoxy resins, have introduced their new customizable PU-based material, which is not a foam, for German RepRap's Liquid Additive Manufacturing (LAM) process, first introduced at formnext in November; 3DPrint.com had a chance to see the company's LAM process in action at RAPID 2017 as well. The flexible new PU plastic was officially introduced in June at the PSE Europe 2017 show in Munich, and spectators at the event got to see a live demonstration of a German RepRap LAM printer processing the material. This live demo was the first in the world that showcased how liquid materials, such as silicone and the new PU material, can be processed using LAM 3D printers. Read more at 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/182780/german-reprap-polyurethane/