Quote Originally Posted by Todd-67 View Post
That about says it all.

Ardvark, I understand your dislike of ABS. Its stinky and somewhat hard to work with. For your applications, it offers no benefit.

For many of my applications I need the following: chemical resistance to salt water and its constituents, reasonable strength, some pliability, the ability to easily bond to itself and other similar materials, the ability to be or become water tight at no or very low pressure.

The first and last eliminate a number of materials. ABS hits all the marks and works very well. For the few people I know 3d printing parts, it is the go to material. I know of one individual who has recently printed and built a ball valve assembly using ABS.

For some idea of the applications, have a look at this thread. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showth...2547305&page=5 The page I linked to shows the ball valve assemblies. Page 8 shows a generic filter that is used to hold a wide variety or media.

The big downside to ABS is that it produces noxious fumes while printing. I live in an apartment so that is a large concern to me.

Polycrbonate meets many of the requirements, but I'm not sure how water tight it can be printed or made. PETG sounds like an awesome material, but I have no idea if it comes off the printer water tight. Its chemical resistance means vapor polishing is impossible.

I'm thrilled to hear you have a salt water tank Todd. You know what I'm looking for.

Thank you both for your comments they have been very helpful.