Hello all,

I designed both of the rings below from scratch, and they are printed with 30 micron cubic voxels in 3DM-CAST:


On the left is a ring designed in Blender with 21 settings (one sapphire and 20 white diamonds), and on the right is an Open Source Hardware ring designed in AutoCAD 2005. For the OSHW ring, extruded letters had to be angled and rotated around a circle based on the spacing between them in a straight line. First, I wrote "OPEN SOURCE HARDWARE" with 'mtext', then I moved circles to the center of each letter and measured the proportional distance within the sentence. A spreadsheet was made to convert the spacing percentages to angles as a fraction of 360 degrees to specify where the letters needed to be around the circle. Call it a poor man's text wrap, but it worked pretty well. Not bad for a first try at designing jewelry! All of the design files can be downloaded here:


The Blender design is currently being cast into sterling silver and set with faux colored diamonds, by a friend. It was made with help from this tutorial:


This next one, a cathedral in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA, was printed with 50 micron cubic voxels in FunToDo Snow White (dyed):


http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:550669 (80% scaled)

This Eiffel Tower was printed as a miniature, 54.42mm tall. It features 100 micron railing posts, and all survived! The voxels were 20 by 20 by 25 microns, and the material is 3DM-ABS:



http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:912478 (15% scaled)

Finally, this is a dental cast print fresh out of the printer, printed with 75 micron cubic voxels in FunToDo Snow White (dyed):


Some modifications had to be made to the Thing; it was solidified with help from Netfabb and cylinders were unioned on the bottom of the individual teeth to help support them better. My dentist loved it...then promptly broke it! Those cylinders on the side need to be connected a little better, I think.


Sorry for the shameless plug, but my printer is on Kickstarter now:


My goal was to make a printer that accurately reproduces designs and that greatly reduces layer lines and other distortions. Let me know if you have any questions or comments about the designs or the printer. Thanks!

- Arthur