I was pretty amazed after reading that 33% of Americans are ready to have a 3D printer in their home. Considering that right now, probably only 0.5% of households own a 3D Printer, this could mean we are primed for explosive growth in the next few years.

Cel Robox is the company which sponsored the survey, which was given to 1000 American. They claim that 1 in every 3 who filled the survey out said that they would consider purchasing a 3D Printer sometime this year. The report, which was explained on Forbes' website said that there are 4 main categories of 3d printer owners which are as follows:

The main 3-Desire: The ability to print everyday items instead of purchasing them from a store was the most appealing feature (36 percent), followed by the ability to print items to help fix things around the house (35 percent).

Getting crafty: More than one in five (21 percent) want a 3D printer to create customized jewelry and accessories, while more than one in four (28.5 percent) want a 3D printer to create personalized accessories for their gadgets.

DIY, I do: One in three (33 percent) want a 3D printer to help create personalized gifts for other people. 3D printers may also make inroads in the $53.4 billion wedding industry, with 17 percent of Americans saying they would use a 3D printer to print homemade wedding favors.

A nation of innovators: Ten percent would like a 3D printer at home to help them invent and prototype new products or technologies. Now, this one really caught my eye because I believe this is one of the biggest reasons people are considering a 3D printer. We are a nation of tinkerers, of do-it-yourself types, of two people in a garage planning to change the world.

Now, I assume that the poll was not scientific, meaning that the method that Cel Robox used to attract those answering the survey may have not been random. After all they are a 3d printing company and likely gave the survey to people somewhat interested in the technology. Either way, these numbers are pretty amazing, considering.

Cel Robox, as well as numerous other companies are pushing the envelope to try and develop a 3D printer which is cheap enough for mass adoption, while also easy to learn. The next year or two will be interesting as I do believe prices will plummet. For what its worth Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, were the states who's residents were most likely to purchase a 3D printer in 2014. Any idea why the south seems to be the more popular place for these devices?