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10-19-2015, 10:34 AM #1
Juggler - a much easier to use alternative to proftweak for makerware profile editing
Now that's a title !
says it all really.
Proftweak seems to have committed suicide on my machine - and I discovered this little beauty:
At a quick glance it covers most of the things I'm likely to want to change and has a much clearer and easy to use menu system than proftweak.
Right let's see if it works :-)
Hope so as s3d still sucks for dual extrusion.
10-19-2015, 11:06 AM #2
I can't use juggler to open a profile directly from makerware. It gives me a silly message and pens a totally blank file.
I can create a profile in juggler and save it and then open that profile in makerware - wahey !
But - buggered if I can work out how to get the wipewall working. Can't find a setting for it in juggler.
So I'm back to square one in that respect.
Now I'm wondering if I can save a makerware profile, open that in juggler - change the first layer speed (pretty much all I actually want to do at the moment) and ten reload that profile in makerware.
Sheesh - why can't simplify 3d sort dual extrusion out so it has an actual effective wipe wall. :-)
Nah that doesn't work. Anytime you try and edit an existing makerware created profile it just crashes.
And it doesn't generate the wipe wall.
Hmm, think I'm simply going to edit the makerware created profile with atext editor !
And see what that does.
Aaarrgghhh !!! (sound of head being banged on desk).
Can't even work out whicj bloody thing is the first layer.
Having one of those days. Got a clients computer in that he swears usually blue screen during startup. Oh no it doesn't ! Not in my workshop anyway.
I'm going to walk the dogs and see if that kickstarts my little grey cells.Last edited by curious aardvark; 10-19-2015 at 11:19 AM.
10-19-2015, 11:20 AM #3
ps. I know it's called a purge wall - nothing as simple as me not looking for the right thing :-)
10-19-2015, 12:53 PM #4
You'll need to install Java and (critical part coming up) make sure thevpath is set correctly in order for Proftweak to work.
Ender 3v2 poor printing quality
10-28-2024, 09:08 AM in Tips, Tricks and Tech Help