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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Any advice how to start making design that I can later sell

    Hi Guys,

    I just started to love 3d printing, but I think I am able to create designs as well.

    I would appreciate to hear advice from you guys how to start making 3d designs, like which software should I use first.
    I want to earn from it, like posting it for sale on shapeways or similar. Is this possible?

    I would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
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    Oakland, CA
    It's hard to advise you from the information you provide. When you mention "designs", that covers a lot of ground. The software that is good for producing, say, a functional prosthetic hand is not the same as the program you'd use for a lithophane or a Yoda head. But all these things can be printed. It's understandable that you want to make money, but how much do you want to spend? Depending on their capabilities, 3D design programs vary widely in cost. Instead of starting with what you want, try to think of what a customer might want, that's not already available. Like the cement company says: "Find a need and fill it".

    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    thank you for the advise. actually, what I want to start designing is more on objects that you could use at home.. lamps shades, clock, etc..

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    Jan 2014
    Oakland, CA
    I could see those things being done with a variety of programs, depending on how you conceive them. The mere fact that they are 3D-printed isn't going to be enough to make people buy them. Since lampshades and clocks are both the sort of thing that's already widely available, your versions would have to offer something that they don't already offer more effectively and cheaply. What would that be?

    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    I could see those things being done with a variety of programs, depending on how you conceive them. The mere fact that they are 3D-printed isn't going to be enough to make people buy them. Since lampshades and clocks are both the sort of thing that's already widely available, your versions would have to offer something that they don't already offer more effectively and cheaply. What would that be?

    Andrew Werby
    wow. good point there. yeah youre right, i should think of something thats unique and should make people want to buy. is it ok to use FreeCAD for a start?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Andrew is correct. You have to fill a gap, find a need and supply something that fills that need better than anything else. There are millions of inexpensive items available already to do all kinds of jobs. It's probably not going to be successful if you try to compete with any of those. What you are trying to come up with is "a better mousetrap", if you know the saying. 3D printing is not the best manufacturing technique for everything so you'll need to just get going and make a bunch of stuff so you know what the limitations are. Then, try to find something that is perfectly suited to the unique capabilities of 3d printers. At the RepRap level, volume is an issue. Many parts take 5 to 10 hours to print. So, if you need to make 20 parts a day, you are going to need a lot of printers.

    What you are trying to do is what I think all of us are doing, trying to come up with that "one thing" that can make us rich. Believe me, if that was easy to figure out, we'd all be rich and probably not here typing all Creativity is what will make it or break it for you. If you are creative and think outside the box, it's likely you'll come up with something. It seems as if a good number of people are making money printing quadracopter parts, fantasy figurines and action figures. I've seen some really nice ABS smoothed ones that were painted and look fantastic. Look around home, work or school and try to find something that needs a solution. You'll start to see the world in a different way and you'll likely come up with something. You can also search the web for people asking where they can find "xyz." Find that and then go make some "xyz's" to sell.

    As far as software, it doesn't matter if it's free software or $5000. As long as you can get it to make the part you need with the proper detail. Obviously more expensive programs make that task easier on some level but if a free program and a $5000 program both make the same part, the printer won't care and no one would ever know. The point being, just do it. Get any software and start making things. Get good with knowing what you "can" make and what you "can't" make. Keep your eyes open and be an opportunist. Look at the whole world as a box of problems to be solved and find ways to solve them. Sooner or later you'll hit on one that fits and you'll be on your way.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  7. #7
    lol.. youre correct Rob, if we could only have that great idea in just a moment then we would all be rich! Thanks for the insights man, especially on those figurines/action figures, I would be exploring that.

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