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  1. #1

    ABS printing issues.

    Hi, I am attempting a Voron 2.4 build and I am having some issues when it comes to printing the ABS parts. Hoping someone will have some advice for me so I can improve the printed parts quality.Now I know that this is not ideal because a lot of things depend on filament use, the 3d printer used for printing and ofcorse slicer settings but I will do my best to provide information about all of these without being overly overwhelming.I am mainly facing 3 issues when attempting to print these parts with ABS, never printed with ABS before but I never faced similar issues with any other plastic type that I tried before.Please see attached image demonstrating all 3 of these issues. (URL for the image in case if attachment does not work small holes throughout the surface, seems like plastic is just missing for that specific 1-2 mm.2. layer lines just look terrible when viewing the parts from above, they look relatively great from any other angle.3. Shrinking/warping. I am printing these with a Qidi X-CF Pro, enclosed printer, 110C bed temp, 230C nozzle temp, ambiant temperature inside printer is somewhere between 60-70C. I tried printing these both at normal speed (which is not that fast at arrond 60mm/s) and also slowed down and the results were pretty much the same. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    The link doesn't work and I cannot see any photos.
    Which extruder are you using ?

    I have the Qidi X CF-pro and I gave up with the standard extruder and just used the High temp one. I only use ASA but its similar to using ABS I believe.

    Prusa slicer gives me better results than the Qidi slicer. I no longer rely on the auto bed leveling but manualy leveled the bed using one of the many public domain layer height STL files available from such as Prusa Printables.
    I just shimed the PEI plate up by sticking strips of adhesive aluminium foil to the underside and set the springs to firm.Just kept checking the layer height until I was happy.

    Unfortunately my Qidi X CF pro is not very consistent with results, generally more bad than good, several faulty parts have already been replaced.
    Last edited by Bikeracer2020; 02-12-2023 at 10:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Corrected link. Previous link included the )1

  4. #4
    @bikeracer2000 Please use this link in case you are still curious

    Quote Originally Posted by Bikeracer2020 View Post
    The link doesn't work and I cannot see any photos.
    Which extruder are you using ?

    I have the Qidi X CF-pro and I gave up with the standard extruder and just used the High temp one. I only use ASA but its similar to using ABS I believe.

    Prusa slicer gives me better results than the Qidi slicer. I no longer rely on the auto bed leveling but manualy leveled the bed using one of the many public domain layer height STL files available from such as Prusa Printables.
    I just shimed the PEI plate up by sticking strips of adhesive aluminium foil to the underside and set the springs to firm.Just kept checking the layer height until I was happy.

    Unfortunately my Qidi X CF pro is not very consistent with results, generally more bad than good, several faulty parts have already been replaced.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
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    May 2020
    The image where the shrinking appears near the bottom looks very similar to a problem I had with a tube shaped print, never did get an answer from Qidi as to the cause.
    I just put it down to yet another print failure, from memory the same print was okay the second time I tried it.
    I think I deleted all the photos of all the problems I sent back to Qidi. but if I've still got them I'll have a look through them.

    I bought my printer from Amazon UK and was going to send it back just a few days within first using it, but Qidi made me an offer that I couldn't refuse to keep it. However when funds permit it will be replaced by a Prusa XL because I want more reliability.

    Just started a fourteen hour print for a mould part for lawn edgings, I'll see what it's like in the morning.

  6. #6
    To anyone who will stumble upon this post with similar issues.

    It turned out that my major issue here was the bed temperature. Everyone keeps saying that we need high bed temps for ABS printing, well it turned out that there can be too much of good stuff . I was running my bed at 110C and also using a heated chamber and I was getting terrible warping issues. I lowered the bed temp to 95c and also started using Magigoo MO2016 for better adhesion and I even stopped using the chamber heating and the prints come out beautiful now, 0 warping. Ambient temperature inside the enclosure(closer to the print surface) is on average at 53c.
    The horizontal lines that I was seeing turned out to be there for all materials, it`s just the specific ABS I was using was making them look much worse. I switched to Paramount 3D abs and things look much better now.

    Take a look at the new results that I am getting now in the image below (Note, you might notice that I got a tiny bit of elephants foot going on on the bottom layers but that is because I run the nozzle a bit closer than it should be on purpose to get that nice uniform textured look on first layers. With this approach first layers look just fantastic, does not even look like 3d printed parts).


  7. #7
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Glad you got it sorted.

    My printer was from an early production run and as far as I know on mine there is no way to heat the chamber other than by the bed warming.
    I run my bed at 95 and my nozzle at 245 for ASA and no fan on.

    The one sure way I found to make warped prints was to open the door as soon as the print finishes, I now wait until everything is down to ambient temperature before opening the door.

  8. #8
    Maybe you can check whether below is helpful to your ABS 3D Printing case:Use a heated print bed with a temperature of 110°C or higher13.Apply an adhesive layer on the print bed such as glue stick, hairspray, or ABS slurry34.Enclose your printer to maintain a stable temperature and prevent drafts14.Reduce your cooling fan speed or turn it off completely45.Increase your nozzle temperature to 230°C or higher15.Print at a lower speed and layer height to improve layer adhesion5.

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