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  1. #1
    Staff Engineer
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    Jul 2016
    South Florida, USA
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    Help Needed With Dual Z

    I need help with a dual Z conversion. I converted my printer to dual z with the MKS gen board and marlin and it worked great. And then I configured my own marlin 1.1.9 from scratch and made it work correctly for my BW. But now with the SKR 1.3 board and marlin bugfix 2.0 and atom and platform io I am missing something. I am trying to use e1 as z2. Don't I have to do something is some pins tab? I uncommented dual Z in config.adv but nothing out of e1. I have swapped drivers and nothing. I have swapped plugs and both steppers and harnesses work when plugged into z but I can not get any command out of e1 and I honestly don't remember if I did anything past the one setting in config.adv. Is there anybody here familiar with my current struggle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I haven't used dual z drivers since I really see no need even though I use 2 motors for Z on most of my printers, one driver is usually powerful enough to drive two motors in parallel. But regards Marlin, in addition to uncommenting dual Z you'll also need to define the Z2 driver pins in correct pins.h file (probably pins_SKR13.h or something). I think renaming the E1 pins to Z2 pins might do the trick.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
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    South Florida, USA
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    Yes. I think that is what i am missing. I do not know how to do that in atom with marlin 2.0 bugfix and the skr 1.3 mainboard. How do i rename e1 pins to z2? For the time i have made it work with a third stepper driver expansion board and connected it like i did for x and y but I would so much rather both Z circuits be identical.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    The pin-files are in Marlin/src/pins/lpc1768 directory, at least on Marlin 2.0.0. For Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 the files to modify seem to be pins_BTT_SKR.h and pins_BTT_SKR_V1.3.h. I'm not completely sure how this should be done, but I'd try renaming all definitions starting with E1_ to Z2_ and see if that fixes things.

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