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  1. #1

    Software to connect and jog the motors

    Hi, I have the ever-confusing Anet A8 printer assembled (for some definition of "assembled") and would like to find either:
    a) software that will allow me to connect and then jog the motors an inch or two in either direction (to verify that I've mis-assembled something), or
    b) some kind of g-code thing where I can connect and do it manually????
    Please be kind, I'm kind of dumb (I've already misconnected the x-belt, have the z axes moving *in-opposition* and have 3d printed a smudged "cleaning" onto my plate - and that's before I jammed the extruder - but don't worry, I've disassembled it without writing down the order or disassembly, oh, and btw, my z-axes don't move down) and don't know what I'm doing so any helpful words would be appreciated. Also, if you could stoke my self confidence I'll remember you forever bro.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    For manual control of your device, presuming you have USB connectivity, you can use Pronterface or Octoprint. I suspect that Pronterface will be the easier installation. It's an unremarkable program in appearance, but a good one for communications to the printer.

  3. #3
    Thank you so much! Pronterface worked great.
    For those keeping score at home, the correct Mac Sierra drivers are here:
    The pronterface page is here:

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