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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    New Jersey, USA

    Kisslicer, An Update, Good News

    For those of you who were wondering what was happening with Kisslicer, we got a bit of good news yesterday.

    Since September of last year the developer seemingly went missing in action. There were no updates, their forum was filled with spam, and uncontrolled, and many people were left in the dark about the future of Kisslicer. Well, according to Ben Malouf, a new design of Kisslicer will be released, and new features are on the horizon. her is a message he posted in a Google Group:

    Hello All,

    Just wanted folks to know I tracked Jonathan down and got him on the phone
    this morning. He's alive and well, just very busy and only working on
    KISSlicer when he finds time. He's actually plugging away on new features
    involving overlapping sub-meshes and support for more extruders.

    Anyhow, he said it would be fine if I passed on the good news (his
    aliveness). He also plans to make this group into the quasi-official
    support forum since his own got completely overrun by spammers.

    That is all!
    Ben Malouf
    Helix3D / Acuity Design

  2. #2
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Nov 2013
    Baltimore, MD
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    That's really good news to me. I've used Cura, Slic3r, Skeinforge, Netfabb and REpetier-Host and Kisslicer has produced the best prints I've ever gotten out of my Makerfarm i3. I don't use it all the time because it does not connect to the printer and you have to do the SD card thing. I'm thrilled to hear that some attention is coming because I think it's overlooked. There is obviously some really good code going on behind the scenes. It's sometimes difficult to get it going just right but when I do, no other slicer can touch the cleanness of the print, at least from my tests.

    Look how clean these 6mm towers are from this popular torture test at Thingiverse:
    Bambu P1S/AMS

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