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  1. #1

    Unhappy Bad first printing, looking for advices (Tevo Tarantula, Repetier and Slic3r)

    Hello everyone,

    I am totally new to 3D printing. I assembled a Tevo Tarantula and I followed some tutorials to make the first printing. D-Tech on YouTube, advices to print a cube (this one : as a first model, I used repetier-host and then Slic3r to create the g-code of the cube and then I tried to print the cube but here is my result :

    As you can see the cube is not smooth at all, it has some holes on the sides and I have absolutely no idea on what parameters I should modify to get a better result.

    I used PLA Filament (1.75mm) at 195° and the heated bed at 60°, the infill has been set to 20% and the Filament diameter parameters in slicer is 1.75mm. Not sure what other informations I could give. If you guys have any advices, I'll take them.

    I also uploaded the printing timelapse on YouTube (2x faster) : (Not sure this can help but who knows).

  2. #2
    There are probably people on this board who can provide a LOT more information than I can, I'm a bit of a beginner myself.

    I get results kind of like this when I crank my speed ALLLLLLL the way up, though, on the printer, not in any software. I'm using a Monoprice Maker Select, so not sure how your printer settings compare to mine, but have you played with any speed settings at all?

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    I would check out the Filament size looks like a print that I did printing using 1.75mm filament when the software was set to 3.00mm filament.
    Picture included.

    3mm - 1.75mm.jpg

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