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  1. #1

    Desperate for bed adhesion !!!!

    Good morning.... So i am working with my 2nd printer (FF Creator Pro) and I love this thing... but im experiencing the same issues as with my rostock max v2... I cant get larger ABS prints to adhere to the bed.
    I dont want to use a raft, because there seems to be some artifacting.. I tried a brim, but it had enough of a gap to peel again.

    I am using PEI, which most folks on this board are showing amazing results...

    Im running 230 c with ABS and 110c on the print bed.

    Would love any assistance to get this thing going.

    OR, if anyone has a simplify 3d raft setting that doesnt leave artificating that would be great.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    switch to pla - solved all my abs problems :-)
    Or use a raft. I can print most things in abs as long as I use a raft.

    But pla on blue tape just works.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    switch to pla - solved all my abs problems :-)
    Or use a raft. I can print most things in abs as long as I use a raft.

    But pla on blue tape just works.

    dont have a choice.. customer wants ABS I dont mind using a raft. I just need/want good settings so that I dont have a tough time getting it off, and it doesnt leave a ton of artifacts on the bottom.

  5. #5
    Hairspray! Works everytime!

  6. #6
    tried it... ive tried everything, trust me... except the little circles in the corner...
    This print is dense, lots of plastic, a huge broad base and cand dissipate that heat very well... so it curls...
    im testing the circles in the corner method now.. ill keep you posted

  7. #7
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    Have you tried Elmers purple glue stick? I've found prints stick too well when using this method. Also check to make sure your first layer is set right. I found that even a slight variance in my first layer height would cause some serious adhesion issues

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    The corner circles are essentially selective brimming, when all is said and done. Great for larger pieces (4"+) where you don't want a brim along the entire length.

    Is your lift occurring as soon as the first couple of layers are down, or only after you get half a dozen layers down?

    If the former, check that your bed is flat and level and the Z height is set properly. If the latter, it's most likely due to the top layers cooling while the bottom is still warm (heated bed), and the countermeasures are to heat the upper layers (heater or heat lamp) or anchor the bottom more firmly (even going two or three layers with your prim/print stamps/davopads.

  9. #9
    So ive tried the purple glue.. it works ok.. not for large prints like this.

    the curling doesnt happen til there are dozens of layers down, so yeah, its keeping warm down there.. I think too hot to be honest.. i had the bed at 110 c (hotter the better right? ) .
    im running this print now with those selective brim circles and 90c bed... It seems to be holding now about 1/2 through a 7 hour print.. Ill post the results when im done.
    Problem i find with most regular brims is they arent attached to the print well enough and the print can break free... so this works better for me .

  10. #10
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    I hope it works.

    Another option is to print the first few layers with the bed at 110C, then reduce the bed temp to 80-90C, so that there's not so much difference between the temperatures of the layers. I really think temperature difference is the cause of your issue. I print ABS with the bed at 70C the whole time - but with hair spray.

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