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  1. #1

    New FlashPrint Update

    Wondering what people think of the new FlashPrint Update. Adds a new slicer (FFSlicer) and custom Support tool.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    North Carolina
    I like the custom supports and I suspect we will see improvements over time. The FFslicer is basic but seems to be fine for simple models. Very limited ability to change parameters inthe quite well documented config file. Hopefully this area will also grow.

    But for now, I have had to remove the new version and go back to the previous one. It is not possible to slice multiple objects anymore. Using Slic3r and Flashforge put both objects together... slic3r in the center of the build plate and skeinforge on top of the first object. If you try and slice multiple objects with the ffslicer, it aborts.

    As the problem seems to be in all three slicers, I suspect that it will be an easy fix in the main Flashprint software, but until it is fixed, it is not much use.

  3. #3
    I notice that if you open multiple objects and slice with ffslicer it will not abort and slice it. But if you open multiple objects and then save those multiple objects as a fpp file, then when you try to slice it with ffslicer it will abort.

    So basically don't save before you slice with ffslicer. Otherwise it will not work. Must be a bug.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    North Carolina
    I have not confirmed your experience with saving fpp files as I never do that.
    I have also narrowed the problem with multiple files.
    As you say, if you load, multiple files using the load file command, everything appears to be OK.
    But if you load one file and then duplicate it and assign each to the left extruder, the ffslicer aborts, and the two other slicers create what appears to be one object. It is really two objects in the same location and when two objects were on the platform, one is assigned to each extruder which would cause a real problem if actually run. The G-Code actually sets the unwanted extruder to 0 temperature so at least it will not be trying to add two layers into each layer.
    I am going to leave the ver 3.0 on my machine for now and hope there are no other problems.

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