I'd like to print a version of a full size Camaro, and used 123D Catch to get a pretty good scan of my Dad's car, but even after it's cleaned up, the surface is really rough. I am pretty familiar with the 123D Catch app by now, finding how much better scans I can get in different lighting (cloudy days with indirect light gives the best result), angles, distance, etc...

But even with the best of captures, the surface of the model is very rough- as if it was chiseled (sloppily) out of stone... Is there a better capture option out there, or is there a software that's commonly used to clean up this rough texture? All the sculpting tools and options I look up (and there are a lot) are for portraits, art, and other things with rounded surfaces, not something that's machined and straight and a production type object.

Thanks for your help!